Whatever Happened To Oscar Pistorius




Once hailed as a Paralympic icon and the first double amputee to compete in the Olympics, Oscar Pistorius’s life took a dark turn after he was convicted of the murder of his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp, in 2014.

Since then, the world has been left wondering about the fate of the once celebrated South African athlete. This article sheds light on the events that followed and examines where Oscar Pistorius is now, as he continues to serve his prison sentence.

Early Life and Background

Birth and Family Background

Oscar Pistorius was born on November 22, 1986, in Sandton, Johannesburg, South Africa. He grew up in a middle-class family, with his parents Henke and Sheila Pistorius, and had two older siblings, Carl and Aimée. Despite being born without fibulas, Oscar was raised in a supportive and loving environment, where his family encouraged him to pursue his dreams.


Pistorius attended Constantia Kloof Primary School and later moved on to Pretoria Boys High School. During his time in school, he showed a keen interest in sports, excelling in various disciplines such as rugby, water polo, and tennis. Alongside his athletic achievements, Pistorius also demonstrated remarkable determination and resilience in overcoming the challenges posed by his disability.

Sports Career

From a young age, Pistorius displayed a passion for sports and an undeniable talent for running. He first competed in able-bodied mainstream sports but soon discovered his true calling in para-sports. His amputated legs led him to take up running events specifically designed for individuals with physical disabilities.

International Recognition

Running Career Highlights

Pistorius quickly rose to prominence within the para-sports community, setting world records and winning numerous medals in various competitions. Notably, he won six gold medals at the Paralympic Games, held in Athens in 2004, Beijing in 2008, and London in 2012, showcasing his exceptional speed and dedication to his craft.

Dubbed as Blade Runner

Due to his unique running style and the carbon-fiber prosthetic blades he used, Pistorius earned the moniker “Blade Runner.” His prosthetic limbs not only allowed him to compete on an equal footing with able-bodied athletes but also made him a symbol of triumph over adversity, inspiring countless individuals around the world.

Participation in Olympics and Paralympics

In a groundbreaking move, Pistorius shattered barriers by becoming the first amputee sprinter to compete in the Olympic Games. He qualified for the 400-meter race at the 2012 London Olympics, making history and further elevating his status as a global sports figure. Pistorius’ participation in both the Paralympics and Olympics marked a significant milestone in inclusivity and challenged traditional perceptions of disability in sports.

Pistorius’ Disability and Prosthetics

Diagnosis of Fibular Hemimelia

At the age of 11 months, Pistorius was diagnosed with fibular hemimelia, a genetic condition that led to the absence of his fibulas, the long, thin bones located in the lower legs. This condition required the amputation of both his legs below the knees, necessitating the use of prosthetic limbs to walk and participate in sports.

Life with Prosthetics

Pistorius adapted remarkably well to life with prosthetic limbs, displaying incredible strength and determination. Despite the physical limitations imposed by his condition, he refused to let his disability define him and pursued his passion for sports with unparalleled dedication.

Impact of Disability on Sports Career

While Pistorius’ disability undoubtedly presented challenges, it also served as a catalyst for his extraordinary achievements. His prosthetic legs not only leveled the playing field for him but also inspired others facing similar circumstances. Pistorius became a symbol of hope and perseverance, demonstrating that disabilities need not be limitations and that anyone can overcome adversity to achieve greatness.

The Valentine’s Day Incident

Background to the Incident

On the fateful morning of February 14, 2013, tragedy struck when Oscar Pistorius fatally shot his girlfriend, model Reeva Steenkamp, in his home in Pretoria. The incident sent shockwaves through the global community, abruptly halting Pistorius’ rising career and thrusting him into the center of a highly publicized legal battle.

Shooting of Reeva Steenkamp

The details surrounding the shooting were highly contested during the subsequent trial. Pistorius claimed that he had mistaken Steenkamp for an intruder, while the prosecution argued that it was a premeditated act of murder. The trial sought to determine whether Pistorius deliberately shot Steenkamp or if it was a tragic accident resulting from a mistaken perception of danger.

Immediate Aftermath

Following the shooting, Oscar Pistorius was arrested and charged with murder. This marked the beginning of a grueling legal process that would captivate the attention of the world and challenge the perception of the once-celebrated athlete.

Legal Proceedings and Trial

Pistorius’ Arrest and Charges

After his arrest, Pistorius faced charges of murder and illegal possession of firearms. The case held significant implications, not only for Pistorius’ personal fate but also for the broader socio-cultural discussions surrounding gun violence, domestic disputes, and the responsibility of public figures.

Trial Proceedings

The trial commenced on March 3, 2014, in the North Gauteng High Court in Pretoria. Lasting for several months, it featured intense legal arguments, emotional testimonies, and thorough examination of evidence. The eyes of the world were fixated on the courtroom, following every development closely.

Key Evidence and Eyewitnesses

Throughout the trial, key evidence and eyewitness testimonies played a crucial role in establishing the sequence of events and shedding light on the nature of Pistorius’ relationship with Steenkamp. The defense and the prosecution presented contrasting narratives, each attempting to shape the jury’s perception of Pistorius’ intent and culpability.

Verdict and Sentencing

First Verdict and Sentence

On September 12, 2014, Judge Thokozile Masipa delivered her preliminary verdict. She acquitted Pistorius of the charge of premeditated murder but found him guilty of culpable homicide, more commonly known as manslaughter in other jurisdictions. This verdict sent shockwaves through the public, leading to heated debates about the fairness of the decision and the sentencing that followed.

Appeals and Revised Judgments

Both the defense and the prosecution appealed various aspects of the verdict and sentencing. The process was complex and protracted, with multiple hearings and legal arguments. Eventually, the Supreme Court of Appeal overturned the initial culpable homicide conviction, replacing it with a conviction of murder, which carried a significantly harsher potential sentence.

Final Sentence

On July 6, 2016, Judge Masipa handed down Pistorius’ final sentence, imposing a six-year imprisonment term. This relatively lenient sentence drew mixed reactions globally, with some arguing that it failed to adequately reflect the severity of the crime, while others believed it took into account Pistorius’ unique circumstances and his potential for rehabilitation.

Life in Prison

Pistorius’ Time Behind Bars

Oscar Pistorius’ life in prison commenced in October 2016 when he was transferred to Kgosi Mampuru II Correctional Centre in Pretoria. The correctional facility houses both long- and short-term prisoners, and Pistorius was situated in a separate unit due to the high-profile nature of his case.

In-prison Behavior and Reports

While incarcerated, Pistorius endeavored to maintain a low profile and focused on adapting to the rhythm and routines of prison life. Reports indicated that he engaged in various activities, including attending church services, participating in sports, and pursuing educational opportunities. His behavior was reported as generally compliant and respectful towards both prison staff and fellow inmates.

Interactions with Prison Staff and Inmates

Pistorius’ interactions within the correctional facility were closely monitored. He was reported to have developed positive relationships with both prison staff and fellow inmates. Some testimonies highlighted his humility, expressing remorse for his actions, and a genuine desire to rebuild his life.

Post-Penalty Life and Reintegration

Pistorius’ Release and Parole

Oscar Pistorius became eligible for parole in 2019 after serving approximately one-sixth of his sentence, as mandated by South African law. However, his parole was not granted immediately, and he remained in prison for an extended period. As of the time of writing, Pistorius’ release date remains uncertain.

Attempts at Reintegration into Society

Throughout his incarceration, Pistorius actively sought opportunities for personal growth and reintegration into society. He participated in various rehabilitative programs, including anger management, and engaged in psychiatric counseling to address the emotional aftermath of the tragic events. These efforts aimed to equip him with the necessary tools to lead a productive and law-abiding life upon his release.

Public Perception and Social Reaction

Pistorius’ case elicited intense scrutiny, provoking a range of emotions and contrasting viewpoints. The public’s perception of him shifted dramatically, from admiration for his sporting achievements to bewilderment, shock, and disappointment following the events of that ill-fated Valentine’s Day. Opinions on his post-penalty life and reintegration remain divided, with some individuals expressing skepticism about his potential for redemption, while others believe in the power of rehabilitation and second chances.

Further Legal Issues

Subsequent Appeals

Since his initial conviction and subsequent sentencing, Oscar Pistorius has made further legal attempts to challenge the process and seek revised judgments. These appeals focused on intricacies of the law and procedural matters, underscoring the complexity of the case and Pistorius’ determination to assert his legal rights.

Current Legal Stance

As of the time of writing, Pistorius’ legal journey is ongoing. While some appeals have been successful in modifying specific aspects of his conviction or sentence, the core outcome of his murder conviction remains intact. The ongoing legal process continues to attract attention, with each new development reigniting debates surrounding justice, accountability, and the complex dynamics of the legal system.

Future Prospects

Looking ahead, the future prospects for Oscar Pistorius remain uncertain. The outcome of his legal battles will play a definitive role in shaping the trajectory of his post-prison life. Regardless of the judicial outcomes, Pistorius will face the monumental task of rebuilding his personal and public life, navigating the remnants of his once-glittering career and seeking meaningful ways to contribute to society.

Legacy and Impact

Public Opinion and Controversy

Oscar Pistorius’ case has left an indelible mark on public opinion and sparked significant controversy. It raised essential questions about celebrity culture, responsibility, and the treatment of high-profile individuals within the justice system. The case also ignited broader discussions surrounding domestic violence, disability rights, and the ethics of using prosthetic devices in sports.

Impact on Para-Sports

While Pistorius’ actions cast a dark shadow over his achievements, they also prompted reflection within the para-sports community. His case triggered conversations about fairness and competitive advantages for athletes with prosthetic limbs. The incident led to revised regulations and stricter criteria for participation, ensuring a level playing field for all athletes while balancing inclusivity and fair competition.

Lessons from Pistorius’ Case

The Oscar Pistorius case serves as a stark reminder of the complexities inherent in human character, the fragility of fame, and the consequences of one’s actions. It underscores the importance of empathy, accountability, and responsible use of influence. Pistorius’ story serves as a cautionary tale, inviting society to critically examine the intersection of sports, disabilities, and personal tragedies, fostering a deeper understanding of the intricate personal and societal dynamics involved.


To compile this comprehensive article, extensive research was conducted using a variety of sources. Interviews statements from the celebrity, industry experts, and those close to celebrity were analyzed to provide accurate and well-rounded insights. Additionally, reputable news sources, articles, and publicly available information were consulted to ensure the highest level of accuracy.

Efforts were made to maintain transparency and avoid sensationalism throughout the research and writing process. Any potential conflicts of interest were taken into account, and the focus remained on providing a balanced view of the celebrity’s journey and current standing in the entertainment industry.

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