Whatever Happened To Sharon Tate




Sharon Tate, a rising star in the late 1960s, remains a name etched in Hollywood’s history with a tragic fate that continues to captivate audiences even today. From her promising career to her untimely demise at the hands of the Manson Family cult, the story of Sharon Tate’s life and what happened to her has become an everlasting enigma. In this article, we unravel the mysteries surrounding Sharon Tate’s life, exploring her rise to fame, her personal struggles, and ultimately, the events that led to her shocking and brutal murder.

Sharon Tate’s Early Life

Birth and family background

Sharon Tate was born on January 24, 1943, in Dallas, Texas. She came from a close-knit family with humble beginnings. Her father, Paul Tate, was an Army officer, and her mother, Doris Tate, worked as a homemaker. Sharon was the oldest of three daughters and grew up in an environment filled with love and support.

Education and early interest in the arts

From a young age, Sharon showed a natural talent and passion for the arts. She excelled in school and had a particular interest in acting and dancing. Recognizing her daughter’s potential, Doris Tate enrolled Sharon in various classes that nurtured her creativity and skills.

Initiation into modeling and beauty contests

As Sharon Tate entered her teenage years, her striking beauty became evident to those around her. Encouraged by friends and family, she began participating in local beauty contests. Tate’s poise, charm, and captivating looks soon garnered attention, and she quickly established herself as a sought-after model. This early exposure to the world of fashion and beauty would later serve as a stepping stone for her burgeoning career in Hollywood.

Move to Hollywood

Rising stardom

In 1962, Sharon Tate set her sights on Hollywood and made the courageous decision to pursue a career in acting. With her radiant presence and undeniable talent, she quickly caught the attention of producers and casting directors. Her rise to stardom seemed imminent.

First roles and public image

Tate’s first roles came in the form of guest appearances on popular television shows such as “The Beverly Hillbillies” and “Mr. Ed.” While these early roles may have been small, they allowed her to showcase her acting chops, leaving a lasting impression on audiences. Her fresh-faced charm and natural talent endeared her to viewers, and her popularity continued to grow.

Transition towards serious acting roles

As Sharon Tate’s career progressed, she yearned to be taken seriously as an actress. She understood that to achieve this, she needed to take on more challenging and substantial roles. Her breakthrough came in 1966 when she starred in the British film “Eye of the Devil.” This marked a turning point in her career, as she was finally able to showcase her versatility and prove herself as a talented actress capable of taking on complex characters.

Major Film Roles and Notable Performances

Debut in the film ‘Eye of the Devil’

In “Eye of the Devil,” Tate played an enigmatic witch named Odile de Caray. Her mesmerizing performance in the atmospheric thriller earned critical acclaim and attracted the attention of industry insiders. This role firmly established her as a rising star and set the stage for her future success.

Appearance in the movie ‘Valley of The Dolls’

One of Sharon Tate’s most iconic roles came in the 1967 film adaptation of Jacqueline Susann’s best-selling novel, “Valley of the Dolls.” In the film, she portrayed Jennifer North, a beautiful but vulnerable actress struggling with the pressures of fame. Despite mixed reviews, Tate’s portrayal garnered praise, and her stunning beauty and natural talent shined on the big screen.

Work in the film ‘The Fearless Vampire Killers’

Tate’s collaboration with director Roman Polanski began with their work on the 1967 comedy horror film, “The Fearless Vampire Killers.” Tate played the role of Sarah, a young innkeeper’s daughter who becomes the target of vampires. This film showcased her ability to seamlessly blend comedy and horror, solidifying her versatility as an actress.

Meeting and Marriage to Roman Polanski

First meeting with Polanski

Sharon Tate and director Roman Polanski first crossed paths in 1966 when Tate auditioned for a role in his film “The Fearless Vampire Killers.” The pair immediately felt a strong connection, and their relationship blossomed from there. Despite an age difference, they shared a deep love and respect for each other’s talents.

Romantic relationship and wedding

Sharon Tate and Roman Polanski’s romantic relationship quickly blossomed, and they became inseparable. In January 1968, the couple tied the knot in a small private ceremony in London. Their wedding was a testament to their love and commitment to each other, and they embarked on a promising future together.

Collaborations on film projects

Following their marriage, Sharon Tate and Roman Polanski continued to collaborate on various film projects. Their teamwork extended beyond personal life, with Polanski recognizing Tate’s immense talent as an actress. They worked together on films such as “The Fearless Vampire Killers” and “Rosemary’s Baby,” which allowed Tate to showcase her acting abilities under her husband’s expert direction.

Sharon Tate’s Personal Life

Her personality

Sharon Tate was known for her vivacious and vibrant personality. She radiated warmth and kindness, making her a beloved figure within Hollywood circles. Her infectious laughter and genuine interest in others endeared her to friends and colleagues alike. Tate’s magnetic charm extended beyond her career, touching the lives of those around her.

Hobbies and interests

Outside of her acting career, Sharon Tate had a multitude of hobbies and interests. She was an avid reader, with a particular love for poetry and classic literature. She also enjoyed painting and expressed her creativity through various art forms. Additionally, Tate had a passion for animals, often spending time with her beloved pets.

Friendships in the Hollywood Industry

Throughout her time in Hollywood, Sharon Tate forged many close friendships with fellow actors and actresses. Among her closest friends were Jay Sebring, a prominent hairstylist, and actress Joanna Pettet. These friendships provided Tate with a strong support system and added depth to her personal life.

Her reputation

Sharon Tate was known for her professionalism and dedication to her craft. She earned a reputation as a hardworking actress who always gave her best performance. Colleagues admired her commitment and admired her willingness to take on challenging roles. Her reputation as a talented and versatile actress solidified her place in Hollywood history.

Expecting Her First Child

Public announcement of pregnancy

In January 1969, Sharon Tate and Roman Polanski joyfully announced that they were expecting their first child. The news was met with widespread excitement and anticipation, as fans and industry insiders eagerly awaited the arrival of the talented couple’s baby.

Impacts on her acting career

The news of Sharon Tate’s pregnancy had a significant impact on her burgeoning acting career. While some speculated that her pregnancy would hinder her opportunities within the industry, others saw it as a testament to her strength and resilience as an actress. Tate remained determined to continue working and proving her versatility despite impending motherhood.

Happy times before the tragedy

During her pregnancy, Sharon Tate savored every moment of happiness with her husband and eagerly prepared for the arrival of their child. Together, they created a loving and nurturing environment for their growing family, cherishing the time they had before tragedy struck.

The Mysterious Manson Family

Origins and characteristics of the cult

Led by the enigmatic Charles Manson, the Manson Family was a cult that gained notoriety in the late 1960s. Characterized by their unconventional beliefs and living arrangements, the Manson Family attracted vulnerable individuals seeking a sense of belonging and purpose.

Charles Manson, the leader

Charles Manson, a charismatic and manipulative figure, became the leader of the Manson Family. With his magnetic personality, he indoctrinated his followers and persuaded them to carry out violent acts in pursuit of his deranged vision.

Connections to Hollywood

The Manson Family had connections to Hollywood, and Sharon Tate unknowingly became intertwined in their web of terror. Manson, driven by his delusions of grandeur, targeted the affluent Hollywood neighborhood where Tate and Polanski resided. This connection ultimately led to the tragic events that would forever change Tate’s life.

The Tragic End: Murder of Sharon Tate

The events of August 8, 1969

On the fateful night of August 8, 1969, four members of the Manson Family made their way to Sharon Tate and Roman Polanski’s home on Cielo Drive. In a shocking act of violence, they brutally murdered Sharon Tate and four others who were present at the residence during the time of the attack.

Investigations and discovery of the killers

Following the murders, law enforcement launched an extensive investigation into Sharon Tate’s death and the Manson Family’s involvement. Through painstaking detective work, they eventually uncovered the identities of the perpetrators and discovered the extent of Manson’s influence over his followers.

Public reaction and media coverage

The heinous crimes committed against Sharon Tate shocked the public and media alike. The senseless nature of the murders, coupled with the victims’ youth and innocence, sent shockwaves through society. The media’s fascination with the case further amplified the tragedy, thrusting Tate’s name into the headlines and sparking a national conversation about the state of Hollywood and the culture of violence.

Trial and Conviction of the Manson Family

Evidence against the Manson Family

During the trial, a wealth of evidence was presented against the Manson Family, linking them directly to the murders. Testimonies from members turned against their fellow cult members, providing crucial details and insights into the planning and execution of the crimes. Physical evidence, including fingerprints and DNA, further solidified the prosecution’s case.

Court proceedings and defense

The trial of the Manson Family was a highly publicized affair, garnering immense attention from the media and the public. Manson, notorious for his erratic behavior, frequently disrupted the proceedings, leading to courtroom chaos. The defense attempted to cast doubt on Manson’s involvement in the murders, but overwhelming evidence and witness testimonies worked against their efforts.

Verdict and sentencing

In January 1971, after a complex and challenging trial, the members of the Manson Family were found guilty of murder. Charles Manson, along with several of his followers, received the death penalty, which was later commuted to life imprisonment when California abolished the death penalty in 1972. This verdict provided some sense of closure for the victims’ families and brought a measure of justice to those affected by the tragedy.

Legacy and Homages to Sharon Tate

Her impact on Hollywood

Sharon Tate’s impact on Hollywood extends far beyond her tragic death. Despite a relatively short career, she left an indelible mark on the industry, showcasing immense talent and potential. Tate’s performances served as an inspiration to aspiring actors, and her versatility as an actress paved the way for future generations.

Tributes and films about her life

In the years following her death, Sharon Tate has been the subject of several films and documentaries, memorializing her life and tragic end. These tributes aim to preserve her legacy and shed light on the vibrant spirit she embodied throughout her career. They serve as a reminder of the immense talent that was lost and ensure that she will never be forgotten.

The continuing interest in her story

Decades after her untimely death, Sharon Tate’s story continues to captivate the public’s imagination. The enduring mystery surrounding the Manson Family’s motives and the tragic loss of a promising young actress have kept her memory alive. The tragedy that befell Tate serves as a cautionary tale and a stark reminder of the dark underbelly that can exist even in the glitz and glamour of Hollywood.


To compile this comprehensive article, extensive research was conducted using a variety of sources. Interviews statements from the celebrity, industry experts, and those close to celebrity were analyzed to provide accurate and well-rounded insights. Additionally, reputable news sources, articles, and publicly available information were consulted to ensure the highest level of accuracy.

Efforts were made to maintain transparency and avoid sensationalism throughout the research and writing process. Any potential conflicts of interest were taken into account, and the focus remained on providing a balanced view of the celebrity’s journey and current standing in the entertainment industry.

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